Thursday, January 13, 2011

Risotto alle lenticchie ( Rice with lentils )

Risotto alle lenticchie ( Rice and lentils )

This risotto is quite fast to prepare, and easy to do. I think is a very good recipe for winter days. Lentils taste is quite good with rice.

Ingredients for 3 persons:
4 fists of rice
3 fists of lentils
1 garlic clove
olive oil

Here in Turin people say that lentils can call coins and money, (maybe cos the shape of lentil is similar to a coin) , anyway I never get rich after eat lentils :-))
First thing to do is put lentils in a pot with water, add a pinch of salt and put it on low fire and let in cook for about half hour.

Prepare a large pan with some olive oil (sunflowers oil are also good) , mince the garlic in little pieces. (If you like you can also add half onion minced!)
Fry it for a couple of minutes, till the garlic will be golden.

In this recipe I'll boil the rice like how we do with pasta. So put water in a big pasta pot and let it boil.
When the water is boiling add half fist of salt.

Lentils must be ready now, add lentils in the large pan and let it fry for a couples of minutes, mixing it with a spoon.

Keep the water where you cooked the lentils and add it in the pasta pot water. It will gave colour and lentils taste to the rice!

Add the rice in the boiling water and let it cook for about 14 minutes.

When the rice is ready add it in the large pan and mix it with a spoon.

The rice with lentils is ready!!
Enjoy it! :-)


  1. Bravo! Another recipe... Never tried lentil before...I heard its Very health natural food. Will definately try to cook This one day ;-) Thanks

  2. Thanks for your comment Fabio, I like this risotto, can I put cheese on top too! :-)

  3. welcome Rachel, you can put some parmesan on top as your wish! Risotto is very good also with cheese instead of lentils, I usually do with 4 kinds of cheese :-)
